California Home Schools Info

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Homeschooling in California

Anyone can send their children to public school in California. The challenge is to be certain that your child is getting a good education. Everyone knows that academic test scores are down across the country and especially in California.

If you have decided against your neighborhood school, you have many choices to consider.

  • Independent Study Most (if not all) school districts offer some for of independent study program for your child. They provide the textbooks and lesson plan and occasional supervision by a local teacher.
  • Private tutors are an expensive alternative. Tutors in California are required to have a teaching credential. The cost is prohibitive for most families.
  • Local Private Schools There is probably a private school nearby you. The cost will be greater but for the most part, the schools are good and they care about children.
  • Create your own private school. It can be for just your own children or you can create it in conjunction with other families in your area.
  • Use a Private School Satellite Program through an existing private school. It saves you from much of the paperwork of creating your own school but offers you a great deal of freedom.

Each option has advantages and disadvantages, this site can help you decide. Each complies with the California Education Code. Thank you for caring enough about your child to explore the possibilities.

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